
The Downtown Development Authority of Casper, Wyoming believes that a successful Downtown district is much more than retail shopping or dining opportunities.
Downtown Casper should be a safe, clean accessible community that combines thriving, quality, specialty retail shopping with public and private housing, a public library, entertainment, professional services and businesses, financial services and local, state and federal centers.
The DDA’s primary purpose is to ensure that Casper’s Downtown is the best it can be. Business recruitment, economic development, public relations, advertising and promotions, educational programs, financial assistance and beautification enhancements are all ways the DDA brings people to Downtown Casper. People bring business and business brings people along with increased demands for goods, property (both commercial and residential), lodging and parking – all of which increase property values and investments.
- Successful award of $1 million in grants from the Wyoming Business Council.
- Raised over $4.6 million in private sector donations for a public project (David Street Station).
- Secured a $1 million endowment for David Street Station to ensure its success for generations.
- Helped to create an atmosphere that is attractive and conducive to private development, resulting in $36 million and growing in private investment Downtown in an 18 month time frame.
- Helped strengthen existing businesses while recruiting an estimated 231 new jobs to Downtown Casper.
- Continued redevelopment of Downtown properties.
- Continue to strengthen existing businesses.
- Continued recruitment of new businesses to Downtown.
- Development of new residential living options.
- Development of a hotel in Downtown Casper.