products offered at The Cadillac Cowgirl in downtown Casper, Wyoming, for the holiday shoppers!
Your (First) Guide to Holiday Shopping (and More) in Downtown Casper
Whether you’re just visiting or you’ve been a Wyoming resident for months or years, downtown Casper is a great place to be. The summers are filled with sunshine, coffee on the patios, and your favorite local shops selling their treasured outdoorsy items for the two-to-three-month return of warmth. You will find backpacking equipment and gear, cameras and other gadgets, toys, trinkets, and items that will remind you of our beautiful state…
As the winter blows in, we feel its shift in the air. Our local stores no longer leave the doors propped open, summer beverages turn to hot cups with cardboard sleeves to keep our hands warm and protected, and our favorite summer trinkets are replaced with coats, sweatshirts, jackets, and hats! However, the downtown Casper area does not lose its hustle and bustle. As the holiday season ramps up, stores shift their displays in favor of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, more holiday events are added to every calendar, and menu items reflect seasonal preferences in local coffee shops and restaurants.
We want your holiday shopping and leisure time to be worthwhile, and if you’re looking for a great place to start, you will find that shopping downtown will be the best decision you could’ve made!
Start Early: November Holiday Shopping
We met with the owner of The Cadillac Cowgirl, Calley Hobza, in downtown Casper to get a deep dive into what the holiday season looks like for her store…

In case you have never seen or visited The Cadillac Cowgirl, this adorable boutique, fit for women of all styles and trends, is in the heart of downtown Casper. Not only will you find premium brands, such as Daze Denim and BED|STÜ, but you will also find other great items for your holiday shopping list, such as candles, stocking stuffers, perfumes, and handmade jewelry (their turquoise selection is exquisite!).

Calley shared with us that The Cadillac Cowgirl is not only holding their special deals for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, AND Cyber Monday, but she is also hosting a sale for Pink (Black) Friday.
What Is Pink (Black) Friday?
Pink Friday, a unique holiday that mimics the spirit of Black Friday, is designed solely for boutique owners. Because many small business owners may get “skipped over” by consumers headed to their favorite large-corporation stores on Black Friday, the small stores don’t get as many sales. They may face more detrimental effects from the economic boom throughout the holiday season.
When Is Pink (Black) Friday?
Pink Friday will occur exactly one week before Black Friday, so be sure to head over to The Cadillac Cowgirl for its special sale on November 17, 2023, and stock up on all of your favorite fashionable womenswear, shoes, bags, and other gifts that you’ll need for your family or White Elephant with your coworkers.

Not only will you be able to stock up on your favorite gifts and goodies from The Cadillac Cowgirl on Pink Friday, but the store will also be hosting its own Hat Bar. At the Hat Bar, you will be able to customize your own Trucker Hat completely, and those will start around $50, depending on your personalization preferences and design. The Cadillac Cowgirl will also be offering permanent jewelry on this day, so if you’re looking for a fun excursion for your local downtown shopping day, this would be a great way to create a long-lasting memory for yourself or someone you know.
December Holiday Shopping and Events
Local Fashion Show and Business Expo
The Downtown Business Association of Casper, Wyoming, is hosting a local fashion show and business expo on December 3, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Best Western Downtown Casper Hotel. Our business owner from above, Calley, will have items from The Cadillac Cowgirl there, especially with her best-sellers placed front and center for the holiday shoppers.
Calley shared that she works with vendors that best serve her customers. She mentioned that many of her returning customers are fond of the jeans she sells in-store, stating that they simply “just fit” regardless of one’s body shape, size, or concerns.
Downtown Casper Chocolate Walk
Besides our standard holiday parade in downtown Casper, there will also be a local chocolate walk on the first Thursday of December (December 7, 2023). You can purchase your chocolate “passport” with various downtown businesses listed. Each business you visit, including our spotlight store, The Cadillac Cowgirl, will have a chocolate you can get for free or purchase while taking advantage of the time you spend in our beautiful Casper hub preparing for the holidays.
Shop Local at The Cadillac Cowgirl
In our chat with Calley, we learned much more about her store, herself, and her connection with the downtown Casper Community.
Calley mentioned that as a born-and-raised Wyoming native, she has always been passionate about connecting with other Wyomingites. As she started her journey in the workforce here, she was able to get her license as a cosmetologist doing hair but felt as though she wasn’t fulfilled with her work.
Her answer? Prayer.
Calley was blessed with The Cadillac Cowgirl with three weeks’ notice, and business began to boom from there!
Downtown Casper Creates Connections in the Community
Calley’s journey with her store has allowed her to create new friendships, acquaintances, and even smiles for the new and returning customers who visit her regularly. She aspires to be a store owner where every client feels accepted and welcome when they walk into the store and where they will be more than pleased to discover that there is truly something for every individual.
The owner told us that she loves seeing the faces of those that get excited when her storefront displays are updated for the holiday season and that interactions with these customers are what keep her motivated to continue growing and expanding in not only her goals as a boutique owner but also in her contribution to the Casper area.
The Future of The Cadillac Cowgirl
As for the future of this beautiful boutique, Calley has various ideas for where and what her storefront can create for her and her beloved community members. She hopes to create another Cadillac Cowgirl somewhere else in Wyoming (recommendations, anyone?). Not only this, she said that creating a Cadillac Cowboy (or another men’s-focused store) would be an excellent opportunity for her.
Calley contributed her success thus far through her connections with locals and businesses and leveraging her social media accounts to draw interest and intrigue from a “cold” audience. She loves creating content in her favorite styled outfits, and you can find more of The Cadillac Cowgirl on Facebook and Instagram.
Are You Ready for Your Holiday Shopping Experience?
As the cool temperatures drop and the snow begins to fall, we want to remind you that there are so many businesses and local owners in the downtown Casper area that are ready to greet you this holiday season, such as our lovely friend, Calley, at The Cadillac Cowgirl!
Whether you’re searching for a fun, family-friendly outing or an afternoon “getaway” to mark Christmas shopping off your agenda, #MyDowntownCasper is the place to go!